The business side of being a creative with Elizabeth Ducie

business of being an author leadership development writer imposter syndrome

Welcome Elizabeth Ducie to The TufFish Show, a place to help writers and aspiring authors get out of their own way to leave a legacy by telling the stories they want to share through writing their own books and confidently sharing them with others. The writing process can be tough and the business side can feel scary, but TufFish makes both feel smoother and achievable

As authors and creatives, we focus alot of our efforts to our craft. We invest time, effort and money into developing more of skills we need to produce the best book or creative product we can. Yet, how much effort is spent on the business side of things? So many times when I’ve attended an in-person event, writers tell me how much the business side scares them, and that’s not what I think at all. It can be fun, when you’re open to it. So to help with that shift to embrace the business side of your creative business, let my conversation with Elizabeth Ducie be one of those resources for you. Elizabeth shared how to get started to shift into the mindset of the authorpreneur and run your business effectively. She outlines key questions that will help you get started or reconfirm, if you’ve been in business for a while, that you’re on the right track.

Elizabeth Ducie spent thirty plus years in the international pharmaceutical manufacturing industry before giving it all up to tell lies for a living. In the past 12 years, she has published 7 novels, 5 collections of short stories and the Author Business Foundations series on business skills for authors. She is a hybrid author, having written traditionally-published text books for many years, but is now a passionate advocate of self-publishing, which she strongly believes is a legitimate route within today's publishing environment.

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