5 things to STOP doing as an author and business owner

business of being an author highly sensitive writers
The TufFish Show with Jen Milius

Welcome to The TufFish Show, a place for authors and creative business owners, like you, to have the support and connection, so you bring out your inner greatness so you get comfortable using your voice, sharing your message, and being visible. 

I believe that in order for you to have the impact you want to have, the reach you want to have, there are some beliefs or actions that need to stop. To do this, we need to recognize them and make the concerted decision to shift directions.

These shifts take time and grace, but the fact that you’re willing to make the decision to shift them, is huge. It's not something everyone can or wants to do. The fact that you do shows your courage and willingness to grow as a business owner, so you do have the impact and reach you want for your books and message.

You’ve got the books, products, and business, and now it’s time to move to your next level and confidently sharing them with those who need to hear from you the most.



Mini Author Stylist Session - Visit www.jennifermilius.com/stylist

Ready to Elevate Your Brand: Get your free resource at https://www.jennifermilius.com/start

Get your copy of Author Stylist Guide: Own Your Greatness, Get Visible, and Share Your Message on Amazon: https://a.co/d/7h1uRNL

Author Stylist Guide Book Bonuses: https://www.jennifermilius.com/books