That story in your heart?

It needs to be written and shared.


As a writer, you have a message – a story – you want to write, tell, and share.

You’re creative and writing and publishing your book is something deep in your heart you want to accomplish – it’s a dream you have.

And it might even feel like the scariest thing you’ll ever do.

And so many barriers can get in the way.

Your inner editor is more like a critic and constantly shows up every time you sit down to write, beating you up for what you did or didn’t write.

Or maybe your staring at a blank page wondering if anyone will want to read what you've created.


So if you're asking yourself:

Can I do this?

The simple answer is yes.

Yes, you can.

Yes, you’re enough - and just as YOU are!

We all might be works in process, but your current book doesn’t have to be.

Writing and sharing your story, your message is challenging and courageous to do, but it’s worth it and so are you.

So if you’re ready to tell your story, write your book, and confidently share it, then let's talk.

Author Jennifer Milius
Jen Milius TufFish

Hi, I'm Jen!

As a developmental editor, podcast host and author stylist, I get to the heart of the discussion with ease and kindness to help serious, heart-centered authors, like you, overcome the blocks that make you question who you are to tell your stories and confidently share them.


What's TufFish?

A reader with an editor’s eye and desire for you to be successful to get your vision out into the world.

Developmental Editor

Looking at the big picture of your book, you'll get a critique that focuses on the overall structure and style as well as creative input, specific solutions, and encouragement. 


Whether you need help with plot or character development, idea conceptualization for either fiction or nonfiction, or overcoming writer’s block/imposter syndrome, you have a trusted advisor and mentor in Jen as you write your book while navigating and leading your business.

"Jen has a gentle way of pointing out what might need work, and I need gentle through this challenging process. At the same time, she has a keen eye to reflect on what can be polished in a better way."

Tamsen Horton

Founder and CEO of Prenuer Business Klub (PBK) and Author of Open for Business


"Before working with Jen on my most recent book, I was feeling overwhelmed by trying to 'do it right.' I'd not ever done a book with other authors and so I knew I didn't even know what I didn't know and thankfully Jen was right there at the exact moment that I needed her most. She was beyond professional and exactly as I expected - knew when to push, when to ask, when to prompt, ... she was the book's fairy godmother with magical pixie dust. If you have a book inside you and know without a doubt it's there, then I highly recommend working with Jen to make the experience beyond incredible and achieve an end-result that you are so entirely proud of."


Developmental Editor

Looking at the big picture of your manuscript, you'll get a critique that focuses on the overall structure and style as well as creative input, specific solutions, and encouragement.

Fiction elements include plot and character development, pacing, and showing vs telling.

Non-fiction elements include messaging to your target audience and what's happening with the story arc to help create a transformation for your reader.  

By working with someone who has an appreciation of your craft, you've got support from a reader with an editor’s eye and desire for you to be successful to get your vision out into the world.


Daniele Lanzarotta

Author of The Sinner series and Lost Souls series


“It’s true what they that ‘it takes a village,’ and I’m so grateful that Jen is part of mine. Over the years, as a beta reader and then as a brainstorming partner and developmental editor, Jen’s work has added so much value to my writing and taking the character development to new levels. She is amazing at helping me get out of my head when I feel stuck and has an incredible ability to point out exactly what the story is missing, or how the audience will perceive certain things.”



Sometimes you need some 1:1 support to get out of your own way, so your message, your story is shared

Depending on your needs, some of the things we can cover include defining the scope of your book, messaging for your target audience, growing as the CEO of your author business, support with accountability, or support working through the emotions that come up on this path.


"Jen's approach to coaching is direct, focused and grounded in empathy. She has a knack for asking just the right questions to help you see your path forward and will cheer you own every step of the way!"

- Busy entrepreneur + aspiring author

What's in a name? Why TufFish?

The TufFish name was inspired by a conversation with a fellow writer and friend for whom I served as a beta reader for several of her books. The first time she asked me to beta read, I jokingly replied that I would happily be her “fish” and would send her little nudges to “feed the fish” as I would finish chapters and be ready for more. During one of our chats, she told me that I was “one tough fish,” because I would offer specific solutions or creative input and gently push her to continue. This not only helped her storytelling but also improved her writing.

My intention was to help her create the best story possible so that she shined.

And it’s my intention with you too.

Each time you get "unstuck" by brainstorming a story plot for fiction or teasing out how to teach a concept for nonfiction, you feel excited for what’s possible and your writing flows even more. When you have a trusted advisor, sounding board and encourager as you write your book, you take the limits off yourself and create something even better than you thought possible because you were receptive to a reader with an editor’s eye and desire for you to be successful.

Writing a book can feel extremely vulnerable, but it is worth doing if it’s in your heart to do. It means there’s someone else who wants to read what you write. 

So whether you need help with plot or character development, support around your author business, or overcoming writer’s block/imposter syndrome, you have a trusted advisor and mentor as you write your book as well as navigate and lead your business.

Dianne Karg Baron

Studio Jeweller & Instructor, 

"Jen has been an invaluable second pair of eyes as I was preparing my manuscript. On the technical side, she offered copy editing suggestions and comments that helped the pages flow more effectively. She asked insightful questions, and through answering them, I was able to add bonus material that made the book feel even more complete and valuable. Most importantly, she took the time to get to know me, and to understand the philosophical impulse behind what I was writing and who I'm writing for. Her approach is warm and affirming - I came away from our session feeling even more excited about my project!"

"Thank you so much Jen!"

Let's get your book out into the world! 

Aspiring author and busy mom

“After talking to Jen, I felt heard. I felt focused and calm about my path ahead. So much of the work I do is completely invisible, so it was amazing to be able to talk to someone and gain insights on these areas I have struggled with quietly and internally for so long. You were able to listen to what I was saying and construct a different narrative than the one I have been stuck telling myself. You put your finger on the problem I couldn't identify on my own. I've made the simple adjustments and feel energized about the path ahead.”